Well, I am happy to announce that my surgery went well and they were able to do laproscopy! Yea! That means we are on for Friday night and Saturday! I'm still moving a little slow, but was able to stamp over the weekend and get some kits ready and some cutting done for this weekend.
Overall, Thursday was a great day -- except for the surgery part -- but a couple of really great things happened. First, the nurse AND the doctor said I was skinny! That's right -- SKINNY! When I got there, I asked the nurse if she thought they would have to do "real" surgery. She looked me up and down and said "No, I think you'll be fine because you are skinny." After a little more conversation, she said it again -- "you're skinny". So I looked at her and said, "If you feel the need to say that several more times, go ahead, that will be fine!" Then, after I woke up, my husband told me that the doctor came in after the surgery and told him that everything went great because I was skinny! Can you believe that?!? Now, I know I'm not extremely large or anything, but skinny is a word reserved for people who have no fat between their skin and their bones. That is NOT me! So it is not a word I have thought of using for myself since I was about 20 years old (back then, I was skinny). So that was the first thing that made Thursday a good day. And don't think this is the last you will hear of it!

The other thing that made Thursday a good day was all of the prayers and thoughtfulness from my many wonderful friends. I know the surgery went well because God got an earful at 2:00 pm on Thursday! I had SO many people pulling for me that there was no way it could go bad! And even my Wednesday girls who left for West Virginia on Thursday, left someone in charge of bringing me flowers!! So thanks to all of you who thought about me, prayed for me, sent me cards and brought me flowers to brighten my day!
So now, I must go stamp! Have a great day!