Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Holiday Extravaganza Sale

What a crazy week! I have been subbing all week -- which I love -- but with something going on every evening and Thanksgiving tomorrow, there just isn't enough time in the week! I know, I'm whining to a lot of people who work all the time and have for years. I don't expect sympathy, but I do appreciate the opportunity to whine a little!

Today is the beginning of a Stampin' Up! Christmas promotion. They have put together several different bundles of products and are offering them at a discount price. What a great gift idea for the crafters on your list! There is a link to the flier on the left that includes the products names, prices and page numbers from the Idea Book and Catalog. If you don't have a catalog, visit my Stampin' Up! website at to see the products. I haven't had time to sit down and REALLY evaluate the bundles, but at first glance it seems like there are some good deals. You can actually order right from the website to have it delivered directly to you, or contact me and I can order it for you.

I hope all of you have an awesome Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Just a Quick Hello

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted! Where does the time go? This will be the fourth weekend in a row that I've either had workshops or been out of town. On top of that, I've been working at West Terrace subbing in the office and in classrooms. Whew! I don't have any pics today, but hope to have some by early next week. I will be posting instructions for the little Santa notepad cover that I gave out at my Chrismas workshop.

Last weekend was my first ever scrapbook-with-stamps class! I went to the Southen Indiana Scrapbook Friends retreat in Montgomery and taught a class on Saturday morning. I got really great feedback, so I may have to try to incorporate some scrapbook classes into my schedule. Okay, I lied (not intentionally) -- I do have a picture of the layout. Anyway, we had an awesome weekend with tons of fun and laughing and very little sleep! That got my week off to a very tired start and it hasn't slowed down.

Today I'm picking Anna up early from school to go to SuperStart, which is an overnight youth conference in New Albany. I'm sure I'll get some rest while I'm there with -- NOT!! I hope you all have a great weekend.