Friday, December 26, 2008

The Day After

Well, we made it! Christmas is over and everyone is happy with their new electronics. We have had a blessed holiday and have enjoyed spending time with lots of family.

I really didn't realize that it had been a whole month since I had posted. Time flies when you're having fun! And what an awesome month it has been. I got to work at West Terrace a lot of days, including the last day before Christmas break. That is such a fun day because the 4th graders always lead an all-school sing along and the kindergarteners have Polar Express day and all wear their jammies -- VERY cute!

This month has been spent making gifts for family members. I made 9 sets of monogram cards for all the women in the family -- whew! That was a lot of cards. It's kind of funny, I counted wrong on some of the monogram circles, so I have an overrun on a couple of letters! Luckily I realized it before I got the cards completely assembled. I also stamped the bags and made ornament tags -- chipboard from Cosmo Cricket with die cut paper to cover them. Add to all that a little Stickles (okay, a lot of Stickles) and the packages turned out very pretty (if I do say so myself!) I will have pictures, I just haven't downloaded them yet.

I wanted to let everyone know that the Birthday Party on my calendar for tomorrow has been postponed. I never really officially announced it, but I have talked about it to some of you. It seemed like such a good idea a month ago, but I have never found the time to get it together. I hope to reschedule for next weekend, but will send out an "official" invitation when I know for sure.

Anna and I are headed to Target to spend her gift card and then to Mt. Carmel to a reception for my cousin who got married recently. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and continue to enjoy your weekend.