Saturday, February 6, 2010

Stamping Night at Crossroads

As many of you know, there will be a Stamping Night at Crossroads Christian Church starting next weekend. The second Friday night of each month from 6:30 to 9:30 I am going to host an evening of stamping. The format will be a little different than what I've done before. It will sort of be like a crop where you can bring your own supplies and do your own thing. I will be bringing some stamps and stamp pads and punches to share, but everyone will have to bring their own consumable supplies.

For those who do not have their own stamps or supplies, I will have some kits available for a nominal fee to cover costs. They will mostly be kits from workshops I have had in the past -- some WAY in the past-- and I will charge per card. So there is no charge to be there and work on your own stuff. I won't be selling anything, so if anyone needs to pay for anything or order anything, we will have to talk before or after the event.

I'm really excited to be a part of an awesome fellowship opportunity! The people I'm already met through scrapbooking and stamping are some of the best people I could ever hope to call friends. And this is another adventure where I know I'll meet even more awesome people! I hope to see you there!

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